Tuesday, May 28, 2013

February 9th-Miss Rodeo Minnesota 2013 Coronation Fundraiser

The weekend of my big coronation fundraiser brought more than people out to join us for a night of fun. The morning after my event we had a huge snowstorm which caused a lot of my family, board members, and even our past Miss Rodeo Minnesota 2012, Sabrina Behr to not be able attend. The night however still turned out to be better than I expected!
 I have to thank everyone who came out, the many people and businesses who donated to my silent and live auction. To my cowboy poets, Roger Hille, Cliff Schultz, and Jay Tescher, you three were amazing! To my friend Kendra Peterson, Miss Rodeo Corn Palace Stampede, for all the help. To my family for putting up with my nerves! To Lisa Bourman for all the wonderful pictures. To Jaden Sundby and Big Papa's DJ for the amazing music for our dance, and the Warren American Legion and Veronica for letting us have my event. THANK YOU ALL! You helped to kick off my year!
 My cousin Meghan and I
 The winner of the Mr. Rodeo Contest...my brother!
My Great Aunts, Lucille and Irene
 Jay Tescher
 All of my little cowboys and cowgirls!
 Roger Hille and I
 Cliff Schultz
 Kendra Peterson and I
Love you Grandma Crispine!

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