Tuesday, May 7, 2013

National Western Stock Show January 18-21

What a way to start off this new and exciting year for me! I left for Denver early Friday morning from Fargo, ND. On my way to Denver I got delayed in Salt Lake City, due to the huge amount of fog that rolled in that morning. It caused my flight to refuel up in Ogden, UT. Luckily my flight to Denver was delayed also…however I was booked to be at the first rodeo performance that day and was delayed until the evening rodeo. I’d like to give a great big thanks to the volunteers who picked me up at the airport. Lois and Orrie you were so very kind to me telling me all about Denver and getting me to the right spot at the rodeo! It was quite a shock once I got to the stock show grounds….I quickly met up with the other state queens who I had only met once before in Las Vegas during the 2013 Miss Rodeo America pageant. Then it was onto business with the rodeo. At the first night’s performance I was able to help out with a T shirt and Justin boots giveaways.  Throughout the next few days I helped run sponsor flags in between each event. The Cervi's provided great horses for all of us queens to ride! Along the way I met some more fabulous NWSS workers, Debra and Mary. It was always fun to stop by and chat with these ladies in between running into the stands to going back behind the scenes with the horses. Another part I enjoyed was getting the chance to meet JJ (Harrison) the Clown. My dad always travels to Sisters, OR each year for business and attends their rodeo, so JJ is his favorite clown.  On Sunday night of the rodeo I was able to sign autographs with Miss Rodeo New Mexico, Ashley Rose, and Miss Rodeo Washington, Jessie Tennant. Probably my favorite part of the NWSS was meeting a couple from Thief River Falls, MN when I was awarding their row free T-Shirts. I'd like to also say thank you to Jodie Witt, who was in charge of all of us queens. I enjoyed going through your "Rodeo Queen Boot Camp," and it was so nice to meet you! :)
After the last performance of Sunday all of us girls had a great bonding experience when we went out to Buffalo Wild Wings.  I also became close with my roommate Miss Rodeo California Dakota, she was awesome to get ready with every morning! I sadly left the warmer temps of 50 degrees on Monday to go  back home to Moorhead where the temps were -50 degrees…My car almost didn’t start in the parking lot of the airport!
 Full house during the rodeo
 With JJ the Clown!
 The beautiful Miss Rodeo California and I!
 Hanging out with some kids who are ready to see the rodeo!
 The Sunday  Bucking Stock (My FAVORITE part of each performance!)
 With Mary!
 And Debra
 Got the chance to meet Dog the Bounty Hunter and his wife Beth! 
If you watch the first show of his new season you will see
us queens during the last 5 minutes! 
 Neighbors and matching shirts!
Riding Dakota

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