Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Black Hills Stock Show Rapid City, SD January 30-Feb2

I flew into Rapid City LATE Wednesday night right in the middle of a winter weather advisory. I was sure glad to have a close friend lend me their stand by privileges on Delta for this trip because I really didn’t want to drive the 9 hour drive from Moorhead to Rapid City, after work-in the dark-in the middle of winter. The next morning I got to officially meet my roommates who were Miss Rodeo Idaho, Erica Greenwood, and Miss Rodeo Wyoming, Holly Kennedy. Unofficial roommates (our two rooms shared a door, which was always open) were Miss Rodeo Illinois, Cassandra, Miss Rodeo California Dakota, and Miss Rodeo Nebraska, Sam. Later on that morning, Miss Rodeo South Dakota, Kristina Maddocks, and I then went over to a local Walmart to sign autographs. We met the cutest little cowboy around named Tristen. He went right to business when he saw us. He first asked us if he could take a picture with us. Then he proceed to take off his jacket and told his grandpa, “Wait pa! I need to get my shirt tucked in!” Kristina and I helped him and then he also had to make sure his buckle was straight. That night at the rodeo Kristina, Sam, and myself were assigned for the Gold Buckle Club for the night chatting with people. I felt very lucky since Thursday Nights performance was COLD and I had enough of the cold…;) I figured I could share it with Miss Rodeo Arizona and Miss Rodeo California ;).  Also during the rodeo MRSD, MRNE and myself helped with the trick riding act by holding the line. The next day all of us rodeo queens took a drive out to Mount Rushmore. I have always enjoyed the view of Mount Rushmore from family vacations, but this day was special because of the fact that I was getting to see this wonderful monument as MRMN. It was even more breathtaking.  Before the Friday night rodeo performance I headed to the BHSS early with Miss Rodeo Wyoming and Miss Rodeo Idaho to do a little shopping. I was then able to meet the Bailey representative for my state. It was fun to get to know him and hear all of his interesting stories! I am extremely looking forward to getting to know him more. 

Before the rodeo I also attended a social with Miss Rodeo North Dakota, Miss Rodeo South Dakota, Miss Rodeo Florida, and Miss Rodeo Black Hills Stock Show, Gina. A fun fact about Gina is that we have a mutual friend who went to SDSU with her! I love how small the world can be sometimes! J At Friday night’s performance I was able to ride Simba. I love how Sutton’s put on their rodeo, and especially how they want to show off their stock and sponsors by having the queens do a slow lap around the arena. I ended up heading to bed early on Friday so I could wake up early and catch my flight back to the cities for my next event. However my flight was cancelled and I had to take a later flight into the Cities later on that afternoon. So then the next morning I was able to attend a breakfast social with a few of the other girls.
 Sam and I working the Gold Buckle Zone!
 Kristina and I with Mr. Tristen!

 My Roommates, Holly and Erica

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