Tuesday, June 4, 2013

February 14-18 Silver Spurs Rodeo, Kissimee, Florida

I left for my mini vacation to beautiful Florida on Valentine's day after finishing up my parent teacher conferences for my job. I was so excited to have a get away from the cold tundra, even though the temperatures in Florida were only going to be mid 60's.
I always enjoy flying as Miss Rodeo Minnesota, it is a great conversation starter usually. On my flight to Florida the flight attendant announced me as a special guest on the flight. I was then picked up at the airport by my host family and Miss Rodeo Virginia, who was my roommate for the weekend.
The next morning we went to Lake X, which is an adventure camp for kids. While I was there I conquered my fear of heights by rock climbing, zip lining, and walking on a pole that was waaaay up in the air. Later that day all the visiting rodeo queens went on a "neature walk," worked on some team building exercises and took a trip around the lake.

I was really excited for the Friday night rodeo performance, due to the fact I got to see and hang out with my best friend from college, Caitlin. Caitlin works in Florida as dolphin trainer. It was so good to see her again! During the rodeo all we had to do was a queen's run around the arena. I got the pleasure to ride an amazing horse named Cowboy! When we were warming up he was such a sweet slow-natured horse. He took me by surprise though, once we were in the arena, Cowboy knew his job as a queen horse! I had such a fun time with him this weekend!

Saturday of my trip consisted of a beach bum day at Cocoa Beach. Even though it was only 60 degrees out we all went for a swim!

Saturday night the temperatures got down to the mid 30's...not what I was expecting for weather in Florida! It sure was cold! I kept telling Miss Rodeo Nebraska to toughen up about it!

Sunday was the last rodeo performance in Florida. Before the rodeo I was able to take part in a Special Rodeo. This was my favorite thing that I did on this whole trip! Every queen got a buddy and we were then able to take our buddy around to different stations where the kids could learn to rope, ride a fake bull, and ride a horse! I just enjoyed getting to know my buddy, Angel. She was such a sweetheart!

 All of us queens walked around the fairgrounds, indulged ourselves with deep fried oreos, and enjoyed the slightly warmer temperatures than what was back at home. Later that night a few of us rodeo queens got together and had a bonfire for our last night in Florida.

I'd like to thank Laura Kessler and her husband Mark for inviting me out to Florida for a "Rodeo Queen Spring Break." They were so kind to plan all of these adventures for us girls. I'd also like to thank my host mom for the weekend Carrie. She was so helpful and provided a perfect place to stay in Florida. I'd also like to thank Jenna who helped to get Cowboy ready each day, and Cowboy's owner Jessica.


Happy Trails!
Sarah Nowacki
Miss Rodeo Minnesota, 2013

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