Monday, April 15, 2013

About Me...Sarah Nowacki Miss Rodeo Minnesota 2013

Hello everyone and welcome to my official blog of my adventures of Miss Rodeo Minnesota!

I feel so honored to represent Minnesota in the rodeo world, as I travel throughout our great state and our country. My year so far has been exciting, and has proven to be everything I had hoped and dreamed for, and more. I have met many wonderful people, and have been to many great places with in the past four months that I have never imagined I'd be able to do.

I have a little catching up to do, with the stories of everywhere I've gone...but first let me tell you a little about myself.

I am proud (yes, I said proud) to say that I come from the way Northwest corner of our state, which can be the coldest and the flattest part of Minnesota, and is unofficially known as "The Tundra." I grew up in a small town called Argyle.  My high school, Stephen/Argyle Central, was well known a couple years ago for our amazing 9-Man Football team.  Growing up on my family farm, which has been in the Nowacki name for over 100 years, has taught me to be determined, hard working, and set goals for myself.

Like many girls, I have literally grown up on the back of horse. My father, who is an accomplished horseman himself, started my brother, sister, and I at a very young age. Also with my mom to help out in the background, horses have been very important to my family's lifestyle. No matter the event, the style, or even the craziest of idea,s everyone is there in full support of one another.  I was in 4H for 12 years and was very active in the horse program, from competing in Western Heritage when I was really young to winning a state championship in trail down at the Minnesota State Horse Show. Also while in high school I became interested in rodeo queening. After winning the title of Miss Rodeo Pembina/Red River, I knew that someday, when the timing was right I would fulfill my next dream of becoming Miss Rodeo Minnesota. I have to thank Karen Nelson, who was the director of the Miss Rodeo Pembina/Red River Queen and Princess, and who taught me everything in the beginning...

After graduating from Stephen/Argyle Central in 2006, I went on to attend the University of Minnesota, Crookston, where I graduated in 2010 with a degree in early childhood education. While at UMC, I was also apart of the women's western equestrian team, which has been one greatest experiences of my life.  Again I need to give a special thank you to our coach, Nicky Overgaard, and all the wonderful ladies that I was teammates with throughout those years, all of them helped me to improve my riding skills...and dancing skills ;)
Also a few years ago I directed, with the help of many wonderful people, the Miss Rodeo Marshall County Queen and Princess pageant. I wanted to give the girls in my area the opportunity to be able to learn about the sport of rodeo and represent our rodeo that we held at the Marshall County Fair.
More recently in my life I have taken a great interest serving my community by being an active member of the Marshall County Sheriff's Posse, which is a 100+ search and rescue group. This summer I also began to help my father with his clinics on Equine Scent Detection, which is an important tool in MSAR.

Currently I work at my dream job as a preschool teacher. I also give riding lessons to young 4H-er's in the summer and have helped them to achieve their own goals. My goal for the future will be to obtain a master's degree in special education.

Again I need to thank my amazing family for all that they have done for me throughout my life...seriously I wouldn't have been able to achieve the title of Miss Rodeo Minnesota without any of them.
Now that you know a little about me...onto all of the amazing stories that have happened to me since I became Miss Rodeo Minnesota...

Happy Trails!
Sarah Nowacki
Miss Rodeo Minnesota 2013

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